Personal Sustainability (Live Long and Prosper)

Your own wisdom already tells you the health care professional’s mantra, “Eat right and exercise.” While you may be holding your hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting. What you may not know is that it is also distinctly Jewish, often shown with both hands.

It appears that our Vulcan friends have something in common with Hebrew priest who held their hands in just such a way as they offered a blessing upon the people. Leonard Nimoy provided a good example of one who lived by the principles of his people who were noted for longevity. His wispy thin and gaunt features are similar to those of persons who fast periodically for purposes of health and rejuvenation.

Mankind sometimes forgets what the majority of creatures still remember and practice regarding their diet. Eat local, eat seasonal, eat raw foods. One of the reasons the human race is so destructive to the planet is that we tend to disregard the above mentioned principles regarding our diet. It cost a tremendous amount of natural resources to ship food products from one part of the world another.

The more we process foods often the more we reduce their healthful benefit. While there are good reasons to preserve foods the process of canning, pickling, curing reduce nutritional value and introduce added salt, sugar, vinegar and other preservatives. Living food, raw food provides often require less or no packaging. Simply changing the way we think makes a huge difference. Orange Juice comes in oranges, apple sauce comes in apples, Nuts come in their own natural packaging.

The natural world prompts us to walk, run, dance, and play. The man made world wants to carry us from place to place via, the automobile, elevator, escalator, motorized transportation of various type. This weakens the body and diminishes our desire to exercise. Simply taking the stairs and walking strengthens our body both physically and psychologically. We feel better and feel better about ourselves. I have found that if you look for the stairs and do it once you are far more likely to do it again. Once it becomes a better habit or lifestyle it becomes second nature.